Police Empress Steve Emmanuel Can Pass 100 Grams of Cocaine from the Netherlands

Portal fakta. Jakarta - West Jakarta Metro Police are surprised that artist Steve Emmanuel can smuggle 100 grams of cocaine from the Netherlands. Steve claimed that cocaine was included in the suitcase.

"He bought 100 grams from the Netherlands. 100 grams, within four months only 8 grams were used, the remaining 92 grams. Why did this item escape from the Netherlands?" West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Sr. Comr. Hengki Haryadi said to reporters at West Jakarta Metro Mapolres, Jalan Letjen Suprapto Parman, Jakarta, Thursday (12/27/2018).

The police will work with relevant agencies for further investigation. Supposedly, at the airport there are tools to detect drugs.

"Because the admission came from the airport. Why did it get away? We will coordinate with each stakeholder," said Hengki.

After entering cocaine in bottles and boxes. Then, wrapped in clothes and then stored in the trunk of the plane.

"Bring this item wrapped into clothes, and other clothes. Put in the trunk of the plane. We will investigate how he entered," said West Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigator, AKBP Erick Frendriz.

Steve has been named a suspect. He was snared Article 114 paragraph 2 sub Article 112 paragraph 2 concerning narcotics with a minimum threat of five years for a lifetime.


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