ESDM will Install Two Seismographs on Around the Children of Mount Krakatau

siaran rakyat. Serang - Officers from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) will install two devices measuring earthquakes or seismographs around Mount Anak Krakatau. The installation was to replace the seismograph that had been damaged during the eruption of Mount Anak Krakatau.

Before the incident of the eruption of Mount Anak Karak or yesterday, three seismographs were installed on Mount Anak Krakatau. Then one on Sertung Island near Mount Anak Krakatau.

"(Seismograph) on Anak Krakatau must have been erupted. It must have been a seismograph. So there are tools in Setung. When it is rather quiet, Setung is useless because of the distance," said plt PVMBG Chairman Antonius Ratnomopurbo, told reporters at the Gunung Anak Krakatau Observatory Pasauran Village, Cinangka, Serang Regency, Friday (12/28/2018).

Because the installation on Mount Anak Krakatau is too dangerous, seismograph equipment will be installed on Pulau Panjang and Rakata Island. Each seismograph will be installed in each island.

The seismograph will be installed when the weather conditions and the activities of Gunung Anak Krakatau are a little calm. There is no certainty when the installation will take place.

"If the situation is a bit quiet, maybe we can land on Panjang Island and on Rakata Island because they enter within a 5 km radius (danger zone)," said the Head of the ESDM Geological Agency, Rudy Suhendar.


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