Reasons Why the Status of Mount Anak Krakatau Rises to Standby

Jurnal kabar. Jakarta - The status of Mount Anak Krakatau is raised to alert. The Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG) explained that the activity of Gunung Anak Krakatau has increased.

"Actually, we are monitoring developments from the 22nd (December). Then, we observe, at that time the eruption was still there. But on the 23rd (December) it was clear that the activity did not stop," said Geology Secretary Antonius Ratdomopurbo in his office, Jl Medan Merdeka South, Gambir, Central Jakarta, Thursday (12/27/2018).

In addition, he said there were differences in eruption activity patterns from the mountains in the Sunda Strait. Initially, the eruption of the Gunung Anak Krakatau eruption, which is an explosive eruption of the volcano throwing incandescent rocks due to pressure from inside the crater.

Whereas at this time the eruption of the Gunung Anak Krakatau eruption meant that the flow of lava or magma was out of direct contact with sea water. This type of eruption indicates the volume discharge of magma released increases and the crater hole enlarges.

Also read: Gunung Anak Krakatau Siaga, Residents Asked to Be Alert for Potential Tsunamis

"Then also the consideration of the emergence of ash last night. So all of that is in anticipation of further escalation, so the status is raised because of course it provides a broader potential of power than we declare vigilant," Antonius said.

In addition, Antonius explained, currently recorded Mount Anak Krakatau tremors occur every five seconds. The main flow of lava from Gunung Anak Krakatau is southeast.

"There are two Anak Krakatau activities, the width of the eruption and the tremor is that the magma process comes out of the crater. So the current one is 14 times per minute. So in 14 times per minute it means five seconds," he said.


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