Activities of the Mount Anak Krakatau Equivalent to the M3 Earthquake, Not Potentially Tsunami

Harian id. Jakarta - The activity of Gunung Anak Krakatau today was recorded by the BMKG earthquake sensor. The earthquake equivalent activity of magnitude 3 does not have the potential to cause a tsunami.

The activity was recorded on Friday (12/28/2018) at 05.11.30 WIB. The center is on Gunung Anak Krakatau, precisely at coordinates 6.08 LS and 105.41 BT at a depth of 1 km.

"This seismic activity does not have the potential to cause a tsunami," said BMKG Head of the Earthquake and Tsunami Center Rahmat Triyono in his statement.

Based on the location of the epicenter, the depth of the hypocenter, and the waveform, BMKG concluded that this seismic activity was a shallow earthquake estimated due to the volcanic activity of Gunung Anak Krakatau. The Gunung Anak Krakatau activity was recorded by seven BMKG seismic stations around the Sunda Strait, namely Cigeulis (CGJI), Serang (SBJI), Sukabumi (SKJI), Muara Dua (MDSI), Cacaban (CNJI), Bungbulang (BBJI), and Tanjung Pandan (TPI).

"The results of monitoring at several tide gauges belonging to the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) around the Sunda Strait indicate that there is no record of changes in the sea level (tsunami)," said Rahmat.

BMKG also appealed to the public to remain calm and not be affected by various issues. The status of Gunung Anak Krakatau rose from Alert to Alert since Thursday (12/27) yesterday.

As a result of the increase in status, the danger zone is extended to a 5 km radius from the top of the mountain. The BMKG stated that the warning of the potential for tsunamis in the coastal areas of the Sunda Strait within a radius of 500 m to 1 km is still valid.


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